SharePoint 2010 modal dialog extensions

Hi all. During digging into different sharepoint *.debug.js files I also investigating into sp.ui.dialog.debug.js. Out of the box modal dialog framework has some number of methods for manipulating dialog window, but some methods (that might be useful) missed. For example programmatically maximize or restore dialog window. Here is a couple of extension methods that I’ve created:

  • maximize -  maximizes modal dialog window
  • restore -  restores modal dialog window
  • toggleView – maximizes if modal dialog window is not maximized and vice versa
  • setSize – set size for modal dialog window (height, width in pixels)

Here is the code:

	SP.UI.ModalDialog.prototype.toggleView = function () {
	SP.UI.ModalDialog.prototype.maximize = function (){
	SP.UI.ModalDialog.prototype.restore = function (){
	SP.UI.ModalDialog.prototype.setSize = function (width, height){
		if(typeof width == "number" && typeof height == "number") {
			this.$Q_0(width, height);
}, "sp.ui.dialog.js");

Example of use:

var dlg = SP.UI.ModalDialog.get_childDialog();

Enjoy and good luck in spdevelopment.

How to find correct javascript handler for OOB SharePoint ribbon button.

Hi all!

You clicked ribbon buttons a lot in SharePoint 2010. Sometimes, you as developer are interested in what code is executed when particular button is clicked. I’m going to show how you can easily find particular js handler for any ribbon button. For example, imagine you want to find what code is fires when you click “Edit HTML Source” drop down button in a rich text editor. First of all inspect this element using firebug, or any favorite browser’s dev tool.

Consider id attribute, for example Ribbon.EditingTools.CPEditTab.Markup.Html.Menu.Html.EditSource-Menu16. Next go to 14 hive and under TEMPLATE\GLOBAL\XML\ find cmdui.xml file. This file contains definition for all ribbon buttons in SharePoint. Search in this file by word Ribbon.EditingTools.CPEditTab.Markup.Html.Menu.Html.EditSource, you’ll find this definition.

This is definition for our button, and we are interested in Command attribute, which is equals to EditSource.

Next step is to search this command among SharePoint javascript files. Common architecture of ribbon handler involves javascript “classes” (essentially objects, javascript has no classes), which can handle particular command. Each class has canHandleCommand method. This method basically enumerate all commands which this class can handle and return true, if particular command name is in its list. So, search under 14\layouts using pattern *.js by word “EditSource”. You find several files, but it seems that SP.UI.Rte.debug.js is our file. Search inside this file and you can find that RTE.SPRichTextEditorComponentProvider is our class (“EditSource” command contains in an array inside init function). Find handleCommand method in this class (near 11328 line for me). In browser find this line and setup break, and then press “Edit HTML Source” to test it.

as you can see from screenshot above, breakpoint fire, $p0 parameter equals to “EditSource”, as expected. Next you can step into to find exact code, that will be fire:
this is RTE.RichTextEditor.editSource(). We found our handler! You can use this approach to find any other ribbon handlers, sometimes steps may differ, but I was trying to show common technique.

Hope this helps and good luck in spdevelopment!

SharePoint 2010 Script On Demand–give me my scripts right now!

Hi all! May be you are already familiar with sharepoint 2010 script on demand feature. Recently I was playing with it and want to show some examples and explanations how it works.

There is a server control, that is responsible for rendering scripts on demand - ScriptLink .This control has 4 significant properties: LoadAfterUI, Name, OnDemand and Localizable.

  • LoadAfterUI (if true) means that your script link (or script) will be rendered at the vary end of the <form> tag (when all other html elements already loaded). if this property equals to false, script will be inserted right after <form> tag. Internally, methods RegisterStartupScript and RegisterClientScriptBlock used. The only difference between these two methods is where each one emits the script block. RegisterClientScriptBlock() emits the script block at the beginning of the Web Form (right after the <form runat="server"> tag), while RegisterStartupScript() emits the script block at the end of the Web Form (right before the </form> tag).
  • Name - name of script file (or path to that file – read below). This property uses by javascript as key that uniquely identify loaded script.
  • Localizable – if true, sharepoint try to find your script under “_layouts/1033/”
  • OnDemand – the most interesting property, indicates if we need this script load immediately, or if it should be downloaded on demand

Ok, some examples. Imagine we have script file myscript.js directly inside the layouts folder and we want to load it (OnDemand = false) . Its easy:

<SharePoint:ScriptLink runat="server" ID="sl" Localizable="False" LoadAfterUI="False" Name="myscript" OnDemand="False"></SharePoint:ScriptLink>

This action produces this output:

<script src="/_layouts/myscript.js?rev=7KqI9%2FoL9hClomz1RdzTqg%3D%3D" type="text/javascript"></script>
