I continue exploring REST API changes using my tool called SharePoint REST API Metadata Explorer. Here I post only some interesting findings, the full log is available for you on the SharePoint REST API Metadata Explorer web site under the "API Changelog" tab.
Please note, that all changes are gathered from Targeted tenant. Most likely these changes haven’t been officially introduced yet, use this post as spoilers to potential upcoming features. If you want to use APIs mentioned here in production, please check corresponding official documentation to make sure they are available.
AI, Machine Learning and Knowledge hub
The previous week was "Ignite" week. A lot of new things were introduced. Including innovations in the AI area. More...

What's new and what's changed in SharePoint REST API in March in April 2019? Explore the most interesting changes (additions and updates) here!
Just a quick reminder, all data come from my SharePoint REST API Metadata Explorer. Go to the "API Changelog" tab and see what's changed in recent months in SharePoint REST API.
Please note, that all changes are gathered from Targeted tenant. Most likely these changes haven’t been officially introduced yet, use this post as spoilers to potential upcoming features. If you want to use APIs mentioned here in production, please check corresponding official documentation to make sure they are available.
Organizational News (aka authoritative news)
In the previous episode, I mentioned that OrgNews endpoint was added. Now, when corresponding PowerShell cmdlets (Get-SPOOrgNewsSite, Set-SPOOrgNewsSite, Remove-SPOOrgNewsSite) to manage Organizational news sources (also known as authoritative news) were announced, you can also use REST API to list all organizational news sources. However, I haven't found a way to add or remove authoritative news sources using the REST API. More...

I haven't posted about changes in REST API for a while, because nothing interesting was really happening inside REST API in December-November. But now we have something new to explore!
Just a quick reminder, all data are coming from my SharePoint REST API Metadata Explorer. Go to the "API Changelog" tab and see what's changed in recent months in SharePoint REST API.
Please note, that all changes are gathered from Targeted tenant. Most likely these changes haven’t been officially introduced yet, use this post as spoilers to potential upcoming features. If you want to use APIs mentioned here in production, please check corresponding official documentation to make sure they are available.
Organizational News
This item was in the roadmap for a while. You will be able to "mark" a site as "organizational news source". When viewing news from "organizational news source" you will see an indication that this news is "organization news". Nice feature to distinguish global company news from department news. More...